Computer Mites | 10 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Them

As we spend more time on our electronic devices, we may not realize that there are small creatures living on them.

Computer mites are microscopic arachnids that feed on dust and dead skin cells that accumulate in our electronic devices.

They are not harmful to humans, but they can cause damage to our electronics over time.

In this article, we will discuss what computer mites are, how they affect our electronics, and what we can do to prevent and get rid of them.

What are Computer Mites?

Computer mites are tiny creatures that can infest electronic devices such as laptops and computers.

They are often difficult to see without the help of a magnifying glass or microscope, appearing as small specks of dust or sand.

Mites living in a laptop

Despite their tiny size, they can cause significant damage to your device over time. It’s important to note that there are several different types of mites that can infest your computer, including dust mites and mold mites.

Dust mites are typically found in dust particles, while mold mites are commonly found in areas with high levels of moisture.

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How Do Computer Mites Get Inside Your Device?

Computer mites can enter your device in a number of ways. One of the most common ways is through the air, as they can travel on dust particles or other airborne particles.

Additionally, they can hitch a ride on your clothing or other personal belongings and enter your device when you bring them close.

They can also enter your device through tiny openings or gaps, such as through the vents or ports on your computer.

Once inside your device, computer mites can quickly multiply and spread from one area to another.

They can also easily spread from one device to another if you transfer files or other data between devices.

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What Causes Computer Mites?

Computer mites can be caused by various factors, including poor hygiene, unclean environments, and high humidity levels.

Mold mites, for instance, are caused by molds that grow on damp surfaces.

Molds feed on organic matter and produce spores that can float through the air and land on moist surfaces such as computers, keyboards, phones, and tablets.

Once on the surface, mold spores germinate and begin to grow, providing a suitable environment for mold mites to thrive.

These pests can only survive in warm, humid conditions, and neglecting to clean and dry your electronic devices can create the perfect breeding ground for mold and its accompanying mites.

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Signs of Computer Mites

If you suspect that you have a computer mite infestation, it’s crucial to be able to identify the signs of their presence. there are several signs you can look for.

These tiny pests can be difficult to spot, but they do leave clues that can help you identify their presence.

Here are some common signs to watch out for.

Computer Mites: Signs of Computer Mites

Itching and Skin Irritation

  • Itching and skin irritation are some of the earliest signs of computer mite infestation.
  • If you suddenly experience itching or skin irritation while using your computer or other electronic devices, it might be a sign that computer mites are present.
  • The mites can crawl on your skin and bite you, leaving behind itchy, red bumps.
  • These bumps might look like insect bites and can be accompanied by a rash.

Small Black or Brown Specks on Your Device’s Screen or Keyboard

  • Another sign of computer mites is the presence of small black or brown specks on your device’s screen or keyboard.
  • These specks are often mistaken for dirt or dust, but upon closer inspection, you may notice that they are actually moving.
  • To identify if these specks are computer mites, try wiping them away with a cloth.
  • If they move or reappear, it’s a clear indication that you have a mite problem.

Unusual Sounds

  • If you hear unusual sounds coming from your device, such as buzzing or scratching, it could be a sign of computer mites.
  • These pests can sometimes make noise as they move around inside your hardware, and the sounds can vary depending on where they are located and how many there are.
  • If you hear anything out of the ordinary, it’s best to have your device checked for mites.

Device Malfunction

  • Device malfunction is another sign that could indicate the presence of computer mites.
  • If your device is experiencing unexplained crashes or freezes, it may be due to mites interfering with its internal components.
  • Overheating or excessive fan noise is also a sign of malfunction caused by mites.
  • Slow performance or lag is another issue that may arise when mites are present, as they can interfere with the device’s processing speed and memory.
  • If you are experiencing any of these issues, it’s essential to have your device checked by a professional to rule out the presence of mites or other potential causes.
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Are Computer Mites Harmful?

Computer mites, though not a direct threat to human health, can cause allergic reactions and other health problems.

These tiny insects can trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals, leading to symptoms such as itching, redness, and skin rashes.

In rare cases, computer mites can also cause painful bites that may require medical attention.

Moreover, computer mites can contribute to respiratory problems in people with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma. When mites are disturbed, they release dust particles and other allergens that can trigger asthma attacks or worsen existing respiratory symptoms.

While the health risks associated with computer mites are generally minimal, it’s still important to take steps to prevent their presence and minimize exposure.

This is especially important for individuals who are particularly sensitive to allergens or have pre-existing respiratory conditions.

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What Do Computer Mites Eat?

Computer Mites : What Do Computer Mites Eat

Computer mites primarily feed on the oils and grease that accumulate on electronic devices, such as processor chips and wires.

These oils and grease can be produced by the device itself or transferred from human skin to the device.

In addition to this, computer mites have been known to feed on dirt and other arthropods by attaching themselves to the exoskeletons of other insects and feeding off their bodily fluids.

Mold mites, a type of computer mite, feed on organic matter, including dead skin cells and the mold that grows on damp surfaces.

Mold spores can land on electronic devices and create an environment for mold mites to thrive, which can result in the destruction of the device’s components.

While computer mites may seem harmless, their feeding habits can cause damage to the device’s components and reduce its lifespan.

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How to Get Rid of Computer Mites

If you suspect that your device has been infected with computer mites, there are several steps you can take to eliminate them.

Here are some practical tips.

How to Get Rid of Computer Mites

DIY Solutions

Clean Your Laptop

  • Keeping your laptop clean is an essential step in preventing computer mites from infesting it.
  • To clean your laptop, you can use a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the surfaces of your device regularly.
  • Pay close attention to areas where mites might accumulate, such as keyboards and ports.
  • You can also use a small, soft-bristled brush to remove any debris that may have accumulated on the keyboard or other areas that are difficult to reach with a cloth.
  • It’s important to avoid using any liquid cleaners or abrasive materials, as these can damage your device.

Use Compressed Air

  • To get rid of dust or debris from your device’s fans or vents, you can use a can of compressed air.
  • This is a quick and effective solution for eliminating mites and other unwanted debris from your device.
  • Simply turn off your device and hold the can about six inches away from the area you want to clean.
  • Use short bursts of air to blow out any dust or debris. Be sure to hold the can upright to prevent any condensation from forming.

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

  • You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove loose debris or dust that may attract mites from your workspace.
  • To vacuum your laptop’s keyboard and other parts, you can use a small attachment that can reach between the keys.
  • Gently run the vacuum over the keyboard to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated.
  • Be sure to use a low suction setting to avoid damaging any of the components. This can help remove any mites or eggs that may be present on your device.
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Use a Hairdryer

  • Using a hairdryer can help eliminate computer mites by blowing them away with hot air.
  • First, unplug your device and remove any attached peripherals such as a mouse or keyboard.
  • Then, set your hairdryer to its highest heat and speed settings and use it to blow hot air onto your device’s keyboard and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • After blowing the hot air, wipe down your device with a soft, dry cloth to remove any loosened debris or dust.
  • Repeat this process as needed to ensure that all mites and their eggs are eliminated.

Stop the Food Source

  • To stop the food source of computer mites, it is important to keep your workspace clean and free from debris or food particles.
  • Avoid eating around your computer and regularly wipe down surfaces with a soft, dry cloth to remove any grease or dirt that may attract mites.

Change the Location

  • Changing the location of your laptop and other electronic devices can help eliminate computer mites.
  • If you suspect that your current workspace is infested with mites, consider moving your devices to a different location.

 How to Get Rid of Computer Mites

Professional Services

Use a Bug Bomb

  • Using a bug bomb can be an effective way to get rid of computer mites, as it releases a pesticide fog that can kill the mites and their eggs.
  • Typically, you’ll need to place the bug bomb in the center of the room and activate it, then leave the room for a few hours to let the fog settle and do its job.
  • Afterward, make sure to thoroughly ventilate the room by opening windows and using fans before returning to the room and using your device again.
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Please note that bug bombs should only be used as a last resort, as they can be harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly.

Use Mothballs

  • Place mothballs in a sealed plastic bag along with your device and leave it there for a few days.
  • The fumes from the mothballs will help kill any mites that may be present.
  • However, it is important to note that mothballs contain chemicals that may be harmful to humans and pets, so use caution and make sure to air out your device before using it again.

Use CO2

  • CO2 can be purchased in small canisters and sprayed into your device’s vents and other openings.
  • This will displace the oxygen and suffocate the mites.
  • To use this method, you should turn off your computer and unplug it from the power source before spraying the CO2.
  • This method may not be suitable for everyone and may require some research beforehand.
  • If you have any concerns, it’s best to consult with a professional or consider other methods.

Take Your Device to an Electric Shop

  • If DIY methods do not work or if you prefer to leave the job to the professionals, you can hire an electronic repair service and/or a professional exterminator.
  • Look for a reputable and experienced company that specializes in the type of service you need.
  • For electronic repair, check with the manufacturer or an authorized repair center. They will have the expertise to diagnose and fix any issues related to your laptop or device.
  • You can also search online for computer repair services in your area and check their reviews before making a decision.
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How to Prevent Computer Mites

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to computer mites. By taking some simple steps, you can prevent these tiny insects from taking up residence in your device and causing damage.

So here we’ll provide some tips and tricks for keeping your computer mite-free.

How to Prevent Computer Mites

Store Your Devices Properly

  • When not in use, store your devices in a dry, cool place that is free of dust and debris. This will help prevent mites from making a home on your devices.

Use Protective Covers

  • Consider using protective covers for your laptop or computer, which can help keep out dust and debris.

Use a Dehumidifier

  • Mites thrive in humid environments, so using a dehumidifier can help reduce the humidity levels in your workspace, making it less hospitable for mites.

By following these tips, you can help prevent the growth and spread of computer mites, and keep your devices clean and free of these unwanted pests.

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Final Thoughts

Computer mites can be a nuisance and cause potential damage to your electronic devices.

To prevent their growth and spread, it is important to keep your workspace clean, regularly wipe down surfaces, and vacuum the area.

Additionally, reducing potential food sources such as crumbs or spills can also help deter mites.

If you do find mites on your device, there are several DIY solutions to eliminate them, including using compressed air or a hairdryer.

For more severe infestations, it may be necessary to seek professional services such as an electronic repair shop or an exterminator.

By taking these preventative measures, you can keep your devices and workspace free from pesky and potentially harmful computer mites.


Are computer mites common?

Computer mites are not as common as other types of dust mites, but they can still be found in certain environments such as homes with pets or in areas with high humidity.

What do computer mites look like?

Computer mites are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye.

They are typically white or translucent in color and have a round or oval shape.

How do computers attract dust mites?

Computers attract dust mites because they generate heat and provide a warm environment for mites to live and breed.

They also collect dust and debris, which can provide a food source for mites.

Are mites harmful to laptop?

While computer mites are not harmful to laptops in themselves, their presence can indicate poor air quality and cleanliness, which can lead to other problems such as overheating and performance issues.

Do computer mites bite?

Yes, computer mites do bite, but their bites are not harmful to humans. These bites are usually not noticeable and do not cause any damage or leave any marks on the skin.

How to get rid of computer mites?

There are various methods to get rid of computer mites, including cleaning your laptop regularly, using a bug bomb or mothballs, using CO2 or compressed air, and hiring professional services such as electronic repair or extermination.

How to prevent computer mites?

To prevent computer mites, you should clean your workspace regularly, keep your laptop and workspace dry, avoid eating near your computer, and store your laptop in a clean and dry environment when not in use.

How often should I clean my device to prevent computer mites?

It is recommended to clean your device, including your laptop, at least once a week to prevent the buildup of dust and debris that can attract mites.

Can I prevent computer mites by keeping my device turned off when not in use?

While turning off your device when not in use can help reduce the buildup of heat and dust, it is not a guaranteed method for preventing computer mites.

Regular cleaning and maintenance are still necessary to prevent the growth and spread of mites.

Resources – (for further reading)

Cornell University – Mites – Cornell CALS

American Lung Association – Dust Mites

McLaughlin Gormley King Company – Mold Mites

I'm Ernest M Noah, the founder of I have years of experience as an exterminator in Texas and Idaho, and I'm passionate about educating people on how to deal with pest problems effectively and safely.