20 Impressive Fox Sounds You Need To Hear

“Foxy, foxy, what’s your sound?” “Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!” You might remember this catchy tune from the viral song “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” by Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis.

While the song itself was a playful take on the sounds foxes make, it did bring attention to the fascinating world of these creatures’ vocalizations.

Foxes are known for their wide range of sounds, which they use to communicate with each other. From barks and howls to screams and clicks, foxes have a repertoire of sounds that are as varied as they are impressive.

But what do these sounds mean? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the different fox sounds and what they signify.

Whether you’re a nature lover, a curious listener, or simply looking for a fun read, this article is for you! So, let’s jump right in and explore some captivating fox sounds!

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Fox Sounds and Their Meanings

Did you know that foxes can make up to 40 different sounds? These vocalizations are used by foxes to communicate with each other and convey information about their territory, mating status, and more.

FOX SOUNDS | Real Sounds of Foxes (Kiddopedia)

While humans rarely hear some of these sounds, others are more commonly heard in the wild.

Here are some of the most common sounds and noises made by foxes, along with their meanings.

Fox Sounds: Sounds And Noises Foxes Make

Staccato and Wow Wow Barks

  • Barks are a common form of communication among foxes.
  • The staccato and wow wow barks are unique vocalizations often used by foxes when approaching another fox.
Red Fox Barking (Nomadic Woodsman)
  • They consist of a rapid series of short, high-pitched sounds, resembling “ow-wow-wow-wow.”
  • These barks serve as friendly greetings or playful invitations, creating a sense of camaraderie and social interaction among foxes.

Yell Barks

  • Yell barks are powerful and intense vocalizations that foxes use to communicate warnings and alert other foxes of potential danger.
  • These barks are loud and can carry over long distances, effectively signaling the presence of a threat and prompting vigilance among fellow foxes.
Barking Fox

Yodel Barks

  • Yodel barks are a unique vocalization that foxes employ during their territorial disputes.
  • These barks have a distinct yodel-like pattern, often starting with a low pitch and gradually rising to a higher pitch.
  • Yodel barks serve as a declaration of ownership and a display of dominance, ensuring that other foxes understand the boundaries of their territory.
Fox Sounds: Sounds And Noises Foxes Make

Vixen’s Lullaby

  • The vixen’s lullaby is a gentle and soothing vocalization produced by female foxes, known as vixens.
Rural vixen female fox screaming – with sounds (UK Wildlife Cam)
  • It is often heard during the mating season and serves as a way for vixens to communicate their availability and readiness to potential mates.
  • The lullaby has a melodic quality and can be quite enchanting to listen to.
Vixen Screech (STEM Learning By Doing)

Eerie Screams

  • The eerie screams emitted by foxes are perhaps the most haunting of all their vocalizations.
Scream of the red fox
  • These screams serve multiple purposes, including protecting their territory and participating in mating rituals.
  • Foxes use these spine-chilling screams to communicate their dominance, establish boundaries, and attract potential mates.
  • It’s a sound that can send shivers down your spine while evoking a sense of awe and wonder.


  • Similar to other canids, foxes are capable of producing howls.
Fox Howl
  • Howls are often associated with long-distance communication, allowing foxes to convey information to others across vast areas.
  • They can be used to locate pack members, coordinate hunting efforts, or announce their presence to neighboring groups.


  • Gekkering is a unique vocalization characterized by a series of rapid, high-pitched sounds.
Foxes Gekkering
  • It is commonly heard during playful interactions among foxes.
Fox Cubs Gekkering (Fox Watching)
  • Gekkering serves as a form of communication during social bonding and play sessions, conveying excitement, enthusiasm, and camaraderie among foxes.
Fox Sounds: Sounds And Noises Foxes Make


  • Growls are low and guttural sounds produced by foxes, typically expressing aggression or warning.
Growling Fox! (Cantelopes)
  • When confronted with a threat or feeling defensive, foxes may emit growls to intimidate or discourage potential adversaries.
  • Growls are an unmistakable sign of a fox’s readiness to defend itself and its territory.


Hehehe’s from Finnegan Fox (SaveAFox)
  • Foxes have a fascinating vocalization known as laughs.
  • These unique sounds resemble a series of short, sharp bursts of high-pitched vocalizations.
The foxes that say HEHEHE (SaveAFox)
  • Laughs are associated with joy, playfulness, and positive interactions among foxes.
  • It’s their way of expressing happiness and amusement during social engagements.

Whimpers and Purr Sounds

  • When foxes are in a relaxed and content state, they may emit gentle whimpering and purring sounds.
Fennec Fox Purrrrrr (Lucy the Fennec Fox)
  • These soft vocalizations indicate a sense of comfort, relaxation, and well-being.
  • Whimpers and purrs are often heard during moments of rest or while bonding with their young or fellow foxes.

Contact Calls (Ratchet Calls)

  • Contact calls, also known as ratchet calls, are short and repetitive vocalizations produced by foxes to maintain contact with their pack or family members.
  • These calls help them locate each other when they are separated, ensuring that the group stays together and can coordinate their activities effectively.
  • It’s worth noting that ratchet sounds can also be produced during aggressive encounters between foxes.
Fox Sounds: Sounds And Noises Foxes Make


  • Shrieks are sharp and high-pitched vocalizations that foxes use in situations of extreme distress or pain.
  • When faced with danger or undergoing a threatening encounter, foxes emit piercing shrieks as a distress signal to alert other foxes or potential allies of their predicament.

Clicketing Sound

  • The clicketing sound is a unique vocalization that foxes produce by rapidly clicking their teeth together.
  • While the exact meaning of this sound is not fully understood, it is believed to have social or territorial significance.
  • It may serve as a way for foxes to communicate warnings, convey aggression, or establish dominance.


  • Squeals are high-pitched vocalizations emitted by foxes when they are excited.
  • These sounds are often heard during moments of play, hunting, or when experiencing intense emotions.
  • Squeals convey a sense of enthusiasm, anticipation, and energy.

Coughing Sound

  • Foxes occasionally produce a coughing sound, which resembles a short and abrupt burst of air.
Fox coughing (Giovanni Ferrero)
  • This vocalization is believed to serve various purposes, including communication between foxes during social interactions or as a signal to indicate a non-threatening presence.
Fox Sounds: Sounds And Noises Foxes Make

Whining Noise

  • Whining noises are gentle, high-pitched vocalizations expressed by foxes in situations where they are seeking attention or expressing submissiveness.
Fennec Fox whines (Rumble Viral)
  • Whining sounds are commonly heard when foxes interact with dominant individuals or when they are requesting social engagement or assistance.

Murmurs and Warbles (Cub Sounds)

  • Murmurs and warbles are soft, murmuring vocalizations that are commonly heard from fox cubs.
Cute baby fox noises! (Even Keel Exotics)
  • These gentle sounds are part of the communication repertoire among young foxes, often indicating contentment, comfort, and bonding within their family group.
Each of these sounds has its own unique purpose and meaning in fox communication. 

Now, you know some of the most common sounds and noises made by foxes, and why they make them.

How Do Foxes Make Sounds?

Like most animals, foxes produce sounds by controlling the flow of air through their vocal cords. However, the structure of a fox’s vocal cords is unique and allows them to produce an impressive variety of sounds.

When a fox wants to make a sound, it first takes in a breath of air. The air then moves from the lungs into the larynx, or voice box. The larynx contains the vocal cords, which are stretched across the opening of the windpipe. As air passes through the vocal cords, they vibrate, producing sound waves.

Fox Sounds: What You Should Know

By changing the tension and position of their vocal cords, foxes can produce different frequencies and tones of sound.

They can also modify the sound by changing the size and shape of the oral and nasal cavities in their throat and mouth.

For example, when a fox wants to make a high-pitched sound, it tightens its vocal cords and constricts its throat and mouth. Conversely, when it wants to make a low-pitched sound, it relaxes its vocal cords and opens up its throat and mouth.

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What Time Do Foxes Scream?

Foxes are known for their eerie screams, which can be heard at specific times of the year.

Why Do Foxes Scream At Night? (Shelby On Safari)

These vocalizations are most commonly heard during the breeding season, which typically takes place between December and February in many regions. It is during this time that male foxes engage in loud and intense vocal displays to attract females.

As primarily nocturnal creatures, foxes are most active during the night. Consequently, their screams are frequently heard during the nighttime hours when they are most active.

Fox Sounds & Call (Wild Ambience)

However, it’s not uncommon for foxes to scream during the daytime as well, particularly during the breeding season or when they are feeling threatened.

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What Does it Mean When a Fox Barks at You?

Fox sounds: What Does it Mean When a Fox Barks at You?

If you encounter a fox in the wild, you may hear it bark at you. But what does it mean when a fox barks at you?

In general, foxes are naturally wary of humans and will often bark as a way to signal that they are aware of your presence and to warn you to stay away. This is particularly true if the fox is a mother with cubs or if it feels threatened in any way.

However, it’s important to note that not all fox barks are directed at humans. Foxes also use barks to communicate with each other and to establish their territory. For example, a fox may bark at another fox that has entered its territory to warn it to leave.

Fox Barks At Neighbors (Riot The Red Fox)

If a fox barks at you, it’s best to give it plenty of space and avoid approaching it. Foxes are wild animals and should be treated with respect and caution at all times.

Attempting to interact with a fox or getting too close can be dangerous for both you and the animal.

It’s worth noting that in some cases, foxes may become habituated to humans and may approach them for food or other resources.

While this behavior may appear friendly, it’s important to remember that foxes are wild animals and should not be treated like pets.

So if a fox barks at you, it's likely a warning to stay away and respect its space. 

By giving the fox plenty of distance and avoiding any interactions, you can help ensure the safety of both yourself and the animal.

How to Handle Fox Screams Near Your Home

If you live in an area with foxes, you may find yourself hearing fox screams near your home. it’s important to understand how to handle the situation appropriately.

While fox vocalizations are a natural part of their behavior, they can be unsettling for some people.

Here are some tips for handling fox screams near your home.

Fox Sounds: How to Handle Fox Screams Near Your Home

Keep Your Distance

  • If you do see or hear a fox near your home, it’s best to give it plenty of space.
  • Foxes are wild animals and should not be approached or handled by humans.
  • By keeping your distance, you can help ensure the safety of both yourself and the animal.

Use Noise Deterrents

  • Another option is to simply play the radio. The noise can be enough to scare them off and prevent them from entering your yard.

Secure Your Property

  • Foxes are skilled climbers and can dig under fences, so it’s important to secure your property appropriately.
  • Inspect your fence for any holes or gaps and consider reinforcing it to prevent foxes from accessing your yard.
How to Handle Fox Screams Near Your Home

Secure Your Trash

  • Foxes are scavengers and will often come into residential areas in search of food.
  • To discourage foxes from coming onto your property, make sure to secure your trash cans and compost bins.

Keep Your Pets Indoors

  • Foxes are known to prey on small animals, such as rabbits and small dogs.
  • If you have pets, make sure to keep them indoors or supervised when outside.

Contact Local Authorities

  • If you’re having issues with foxes or other wildlife near your home, it’s best to contact a wildlife professional for advice.
  • They can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.
Fox screams are a natural part of fox behavior and cannot be stopped or silenced. 

While you can discourage foxes from coming onto your property and take precautions to coexist with them peacefully, there is ultimately nothing you can do to keep a fox quiet.
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Final Thoughts

Foxes are amazing animals with their own unique ways of communicating. Fox sounds are an interesting and important aspect of their behavior, conveying information about their lives and relationships.

However, if you’re like me, the sound of a fox screaming can be a bit jarring at first. It’s important to remember that this is a natural behavior and not a cause for alarm.

Learning about fox sounds is a great way to deepen our understanding and appreciation for these remarkable animals. They remind us of the beauty and complexity of the natural world and our role in preserving it.


Do foxes bark or scream?

Foxes can both bark and scream. Barking is a common vocalization used by foxes for communication, territorial defense, and expressing their presence. On the other hand, screaming is a distinctive vocalization primarily associated with the breeding season or in response to perceived threats or distress.

How far can fox sounds carry?

Fox sounds, including screams, can carry over long distances. Depending on factors such as environmental conditions and the intensity of the vocalization, fox sounds can be heard up to several miles away.

How many sounds do foxes make?

Foxes are capable of producing a wide range of vocalizations and can make approximately 40 different sounds. These include barks, screams, howls, yelps, growls, purrs, whimpers, and more.

Do foxes scream when they see people?

Foxes typically do not scream when they see people. They are naturally wary of humans and tend to avoid direct encounters.

What noises do foxes make to communicate?

Foxes use various noises to communicate. One common noise is a ‘yapping’ bark or staccato bark, which is often used as an alert or to signal their presence. They also produce growls, howls, purrs, whimpers, and even shrieks to convey different messages to other foxes or animals in their surroundings.

Do foxes growl or hiss?

Yes, foxes are capable of growling and hissing. These vocalizations are often used in aggressive encounters or when they feel threatened.

Why does a fox scream?

Foxes scream for various reasons. During the breeding season, males may scream to attract females for mating purposes. Foxes also scream during territorial disputes to establish dominance and defend their territory.

Do foxes make crying sounds?

Foxes can produce crying or whimpering sounds, especially in situations of distress or when they are in pain.

What sound do foxes make when happy?

When foxes are happy or excited, they can emit a high-pitched squeal or “squee” sound. This sound is often associated with moments of playfulness, joy, or anticipation.

Does a fox roar?

No, foxes do not roar. Roaring is a vocalization commonly associated with larger carnivores such as lions or tigers.

Do foxes sound like kids screaming?

Fox screams can sometimes be mistaken for the sound of a child screaming, especially when heard from a distance. The high-pitched and eerie nature of fox screams can resemble the sound of a human child.

Resources – (for further reading)

Oxford University Press – Sound-Source Localization by the Red Fox

Encyclopedia Britannica – Red fox | Diet, Behavior, & Adaptations

MO.gov – Red Fox Skills at Play

I'm Ernest M Noah, the founder of BugsTips.com. I have years of experience as an exterminator in Texas and Idaho, and I'm passionate about educating people on how to deal with pest problems effectively and safely.