How to Get Rid of Silverfish in Bathrooms | 16 Effective Methods

Silverfish are a common household pest that can be found in various areas of a home, including bathrooms.

These small, wingless insects are known for their silvery-blue color and wriggly movement, which can be unsettling for many people.

While they do not pose any direct health risks, they can be a nuisance and cause damage to personal belongings.

In this article, we will discuss various methods for getting rid of silverfish in bathrooms, including DIY solutions and commercial products.

We will also cover preventative measures to keep silverfish from returning and answer common questions about these pests, such as whether they can climb walls or lay eggs in bathrooms.

With these tips and tricks, you can effectively eliminate silverfish from your bathroom and keep your home pest-free.

Why Are Silverfish in My Bathroom?

Bathrooms are a prime location for silverfish due to their high humidity levels. Silverfish thrive in environments with high moisture content, and bathrooms are one of the most humid rooms in the house.

Why Are Silverfish in My Bathroom?

The moisture in the air provides the ideal conditions for silverfish to survive and reproduce. In addition to providing a moist environment, bathrooms often offer ample food sources for silverfish, such as hair, dead skin cells, and even soap residue.

Silverfish are also attracted to bathrooms because they prefer to lay their eggs in humid locations. Bathrooms provide a perfect nesting ground for silverfish, as they can easily find shelter in cracks and crevices near moisture sources.

This makes it easier for them to lay their eggs and increase their population. Therefore, if you want to keep silverfish away from your bathroom, it’s important to take steps to reduce the humidity levels and remove potential food sources.

Related Article – Where Do Silverfish Come From?

Where Do Silverfish Come From in Bathrooms?

One common misconception about silverfish is that they come from drains. However, this is not entirely true. Silverfish do not travel in water, but they can crawl along the outside of plumbing pipes to find their way into your bathroom.

They are able to climb smooth surfaces, such as pipes, using small hooks on their legs, which allow them to scale walls and other vertical surfaces.

Silverfish can also enter bathrooms through cracks or crevices in the walls or flooring. They are able to squeeze through even the tiniest of openings, making it difficult to keep them out. Once they find their way in, they will seek out areas with high humidity levels, where they can thrive.

Once they enter the bathroom, silverfish can be found in a variety of locations. They are often found hiding in cracks and crevices near moisture sources, such as sink or shower drains, as well as in bathroom cabinets and closets. They may also be found in piles of damp towels or clothing.

How to Identify Silverfish in Bathrooms

Silverfish are easily identifiable by their long, slender bodies and silvery, metallic scales. They typically measure about 0.5 to 1 inch in length and have two long antennae on their head. Their movements are often described as quick and erratic, making them difficult to catch.

Silverfish in bathrooms :How-To-Know-If-You-Have-a-Silverfish-Infestation
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In bathrooms, silverfish tend to hide in dark, damp places where there is easy access to moisture. Common hiding places include under sinks, behind toilets, in cracks and crevices, and in any area with excess humidity, such as around shower stalls and bathtubs.

If you suspect you have a silverfish infestation in your bathroom, you may notice yellowish stains on bathroom surfaces, as well as small, pepper-like droppings.

Additionally, you may see silverfish crawling around or even catch them in the act of feeding on bathroom items such as shampoo bottles, soap bars, and towels.

Why Did I Find a Single Silverfish in My Bathroom?

Silverfish in Bathrooms :Why Did I Find a Single Silverfish in My Bathroom?

Finding a single silverfish in your bathroom is a common occurrence and does not necessarily indicate a full-blown infestation.

It is likely that the silverfish were attracted to the humidity and moisture in your bathroom, but did not find enough food or shelter to warrant staying.

It’s important to note that silverfish are not typically social insects and do not form large colonies like ants or termites. Instead, they tend to be solitary and prefer to nest in secluded areas.

However, please note that silverfish reproduce quickly and can lay up to 20 eggs at a time. So, while you may have only found one silverfish, it is possible that there is more hiding in your bathroom or other areas of your home.

If you do spot a silverfish in your bathroom, it’s a good idea to take preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of an infestation.

Related Article – Do Silverfish Bite?

What to Do if You Find Silverfish in a Hotel Bathroom

If you find silverfish in a hotel bathroom, it’s important to inform hotel staff immediately so they can take appropriate action. The hotel should have a pest control protocol in place to deal with the issue.

In the meantime, you can take steps to prevent silverfish from spreading or laying eggs.

  • Try to keep the bathroom as dry as possible by using a fan or opening windows to improve ventilation. Seal any cracks or crevices where silverfish could enter or hide.
  • Avoid leaving any food or debris in the bathroom, as this can attract silverfish. Keep all toiletries and towels off the ground and stored them in airtight containers.
  • If you brought any luggage into the hotel, be sure to inspect it thoroughly before leaving to ensure that you are not unintentionally bringing silverfish back to your own home.
Quick Note - If you find silverfish in a hotel bathroom, don't try to take care of it yourself.

Let the staff know and they will handle it properly. It's their space, their tools, and their expertise, so let them do what they do best.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish in the Bathroom

Silverfish can be difficult to eliminate once they have infested your bathroom, but there are various methods that can be effective in getting rid of them.

Here are some methods for eliminating silverfish in the bathroom.

Silverfish in Bathrooms: How to Get Rid of Silverfish in the Bathroom

Decrease moisture levels

One effective way to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom is to decrease moisture levels. Silverfish thrive in humid environments, so reducing moisture is essential to keep them at bay.

To decrease moisture levels in your bathroom and discourage silverfish from staying, make sure to ventilate your bathroom properly by opening windows or running a fan during and after showers. You can also wipe down any wet surfaces, fix any leaky pipes, and use a dehumidifier if necessary.

Additionally, consider using moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packets or activated charcoal, in areas that are prone to moisture buildup.

Seal cracks and crevices

Sealing cracks and crevices is another effective way to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom.

Silverfish can squeeze into tiny gaps and cracks, so it’s important to seal any openings in walls, floors, and baseboards where they can enter. You can use caulk or silicone sealant to seal gaps around pipes, vents, and windows.

This will help to prevent silverfish from entering your bathroom in the first place and will also make it more difficult for them to find hiding places. Make sure to inspect your bathroom regularly for new cracks or gaps that may appear and seal them promptly.

Remove carpets

Carpets can hold moisture, providing an ideal environment for silverfish to thrive. If you have carpets in your bathroom, consider removing them and replacing them with tile or vinyl flooring.

This will help reduce moisture and eliminate potential hiding places for silverfish.

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Use diatomaceous earth, boric acid, bleach, Epsom salt

  • Diatomaceous earth: can be sprinkled in areas where silverfish are likely to hide, such as behind baseboards, under sinks, and in corners. When silverfish come in contact with it, it dehydrates them and ultimately kills them.
  • Boric acid: can also be used by sprinkling it in areas where silverfish are present. When ingested by silverfish, it damages their exoskeleton and causes them to dehydrate and die.
  • Bleach: can be used to clean surfaces in the bathroom, as silverfish don’t like the smell of it. However, it’s important to be cautious when using bleach as it can be harmful to humans and pets.
  • Epsom salt: can be sprinkled in areas where silverfish are present. The salt absorbs moisture from their bodies and causes them to dry out and die.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully when using any of these methods and keep them away from children and pets.
Related Article – Do Silverfish Bite? Debunking the Myth

Try DIY methods

Silverfish in Bathrooms :How to Get Rid of Silverfish in the Bathroom (1)
  • Essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as lavender, cedarwood, and peppermint, are known to repel silverfish. Simply add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and spray around areas where silverfish are likely to hide.
  • Bay leaves: Silverfish are repelled by the scent of bay leaves, so placing them in cupboards or drawers can help deter them.
  • Cloves: Cloves have a strong scent that can also repel silverfish. Place them in sachets or sprinkle ground cloves around areas where silverfish are likely to hide.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is another scent that silverfish find unpleasant. Sprinkle it around areas where silverfish are likely to be found.
Remember, these DIY methods may not be as effective as other methods, but they can still be helpful in deterring silverfish.

Use Commercial Traps

  • Harris Silverfish Killer Traps are a highly effective method to eliminate silverfish in bathrooms. They are easy to use, simply place the spacer tablet inside the trap and click it closed. These traps are versatile and can be used in both residential and commercial settings. They are a clean and effective solution to get rid of silverfish.

Make Your Own Silverfish Trap

Making your own silverfish trap is a simple and cost-effective way to eliminate silverfish in your bathroom. Here’s how to make your own silverfish trap:

  • Materials You Need:
    • Glass jar with a lid
    • Tape
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Water

Follow These Instructions.

  • Take a glass jar with a lid and wrap the tape around the outside of the jar to create a rough surface that silverfish can climb.
  • Place a small amount of breadcrumbs at the bottom of the jar.
  • Add enough water to the jar to cover the breadcrumbs.
  • Screw on the lid and poke several small holes in it.
  • Place the jar in an area where silverfish are known to frequent, such as near a sink or shower drain.
  • Check the jar regularly and dispose of any silverfish that are trapped inside.
The idea behind this trap is that the silverfish will climb up the rough surface of the tape and fall into the jar, where they will drown in the water. The breadcrumbs are used to attract the silverfish to the trap. 

By using this simple DIY trap, you can effectively eliminate silverfish from your bathroom.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish in a Bathroom Sink

While the methods for eliminating silverfish in bathrooms are effective, removing them from sinks can be a slightly different process.

Silverfish are commonly found in bathroom sinks, and it can be challenging to get rid of them without damaging the plumbing.

So here we will discuss some effective methods for eliminating silverfish in bathroom sinks.

Silverfish in Bathrooms: How to Get Rid of Silverfish in a Bathroom Sink

Pour boiling water

One method for getting rid of silverfish in bathroom sinks is to pour boiling water down the drain. This can help to kill any silverfish that may be living in the drain or pipes. However, it’s important to be careful when handling boiling water to avoid burns.

Additionally, this method may not be effective if the silverfish are living elsewhere in the bathroom.

Use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar

To use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, start by pouring about a cup of baking soda down the drain. Then, pour a cup of vinegar down the drain, followed by a cup of hot water.

Let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes before flushing with hot water. The combination of baking soda and vinegar helps to break down any organic matter that may be attracting silverfish and other pests in the drain.

Use a commercial drain cleaner

Using a commercial drain cleaner can also help eliminate silverfish in a bathroom sink. Look for a drain cleaner specifically designed for silverfish and follow the instructions carefully.

Be sure to use protective gloves and ventilate the area when using chemical cleaners. It’s important to note that drain cleaners can be harsh and may damage pipes over time, so use them sparingly and as a last resort.

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How to Prevent Silverfish in Bathrooms

If you’ve followed all the above methods to get rid of silverfish from your bathroom, it’s important to remember that prevention is key. None of these methods will be as effective if you don’t prevent silverfish from infesting your bathroom in the first place.

Stop Silverfish From Entering Your Home (Do-It-Yourself Pest Control)

By taking proactive steps to prevent silverfish infestations, you can save yourself the hassle and cost of having to deal with an infestation down the line.

The following tips can help you prevent silverfish from infesting your bathroom in the first place.

Keep surfaces dry

One of the best ways to prevent silverfish from taking up residence in your bathroom is to keep surfaces dry. Silverfish thrive in moist environments, so wiping down surfaces such as countertops, sinks, and showers after each use can make it less likely that they will stick around.

Regularly vacuum

Vacuuming your bathroom floor and any nearby carpets or rugs can help to eliminate any potential food sources for silverfish. Regularly cleaning the bathroom can also help prevent the buildup of dirt and grime, which can attract silverfish.

Fix leaky pipes

Since silverfish are attracted to moisture, it is important to fix any leaky pipes or faucets in your bathroom. Not only will this help prevent silverfish from infesting your space, but it will also save you money on your water bill.

Remove clothes and towels

Silverfish are known to feed on fabrics such as clothes and towels, so it is important to remove any excess fabrics from your bathroom. Keeping your laundry basket outside of the bathroom can also help prevent silverfish from finding a new food source.

Improve ventilation

Improving ventilation in your bathroom can help keep it dry and inhospitable to silverfish. Use an exhaust fan or open windows after showering to help reduce the moisture level in the air.

Seal cracks and holes

Silverfish can fit through very small cracks and holes, so sealing up any gaps in your bathroom can help keep them out. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal up any cracks or holes around windows, doors, and plumbing.

Final Thoughts

Silverfish can be a pesky nuisance in bathrooms, but by following the tips and methods outlined in this article, you can effectively eliminate and prevent silverfish infestations.

Whether you’re dealing with a current infestation or simply want to take proactive steps to prevent one in the future, there are various methods available to help you get the job done.

From decreasing moisture levels and sealing gaps to using traps and DIY methods, there are plenty of options for eliminating silverfish from your bathroom.

By taking action early on and implementing preventative measures, you can help keep your bathroom silverfish-free and avoid the headache of an infestation.


How do silverfish get into bathrooms?

Silverfish can enter bathrooms through small cracks and crevices.

Do silverfish come up the drain?

No, silverfish do not come up the drain. They are unable to climb smooth, vertical surfaces, and they cannot survive for long in water. Silverfish often enter homes through cracks in the walls or foundation, or through gaps around windows and doors.

Can silverfish lay eggs in the bathroom?

Yes, silverfish can lay eggs in the bathroom. They prefer dark and humid environments to lay their eggs, and bathrooms provide an ideal location for them to do so.

Can silverfish climb walls?

Yes, silverfish can climb walls and other surfaces, but only if the surface is rough enough to provide traction. They are unable to climb smooth, vertical surfaces.

Can silverfish eat my towels?

Silverfish are attracted to cellulose-based materials, including towels, clothing, and paper products. They do not actually eat these materials but instead feed on the starches and sugars found in them. Over time, this can cause damage to the materials.

Are insecticides safe to use in bathrooms?

Insecticides can be harmful to pets and humans, so it’s important to use them safely and with caution.

How can I prevent silverfish from entering my bathroom?

Keep your bathroom clean and dry, store paper and clothing properly, seal entry points, and use natural repellents to prevent silverfish from entering your bathroom.

Resources – (for further reading)

University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee – Silverfish (Family Tricholepidiidae) – Field Station

University of Florida – silverfish – Lepisma saccharina

I'm Ernest M Noah, the founder of I have years of experience as an exterminator in Texas and Idaho, and I'm passionate about educating people on how to deal with pest problems effectively and safely.