Spider Under Toilet Seat? Don’t Make This Common Mistake! Why You Should Always Close the Lid

Are you one of those people who gets the chills at the thought of finding a spider under toilet seat? It’s a common fear, but unfortunately, it’s not unfounded. Spiders are notorious for seeking out dark, damp places to hide, and your toilet bowl can provide the perfect spot for them to do just that.

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about spiders under toilet seats.

From why they’re there to whether or not they pose a danger to you, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and discover how you can keep this creepy crawlies from taking up residence in your bathroom!

Why Are There Spiders in My Toilet?

It’s not uncommon to find spiders under your toilet seat. Spiders tend to seek out dark, damp places to hide, and the toilet bowl provides the perfect spot for them.

However, you may be wondering why they choose to hide there in the first place.

One reason is that spiders are drawn to moisture. Bathrooms, particularly those with poor ventilation, can be humid and damp, making them an ideal environment for spiders to thrive. Additionally, if you have any leaks or drips in your bathroom, this can create a damp environment that spiders will find attractive.

Another reason spiders may be in your toilet is because of their prey. Spiders feed on other insects, such as gnats and flies, which are often attracted to bathrooms. These bugs are drawn to the moist environment, and once they enter the bathroom, they become easy prey for spiders.

And spiders may be using your toilet as a route to navigate through your home. If your bathroom is connected to other parts of your house, spiders may crawl into the bathroom through any openings, such as vents or pipes, and then use the toilet as a stepping stone to get to other areas.

How Do Spiders Get Under the Toilet Seat?

Spiders can get under the toilet seat in a variety of ways.

spider under toilet seat 
- How Do Spiders Get Under the Toilet Seat?

The most common way is through small openings or cracks in the bathroom walls or floor. Spiders are incredibly skilled at squeezing through tight spaces, so it’s important to make sure your bathroom is well-sealed.

Another way spiders can get under the toilet seat is through the plumbing system. While it’s rare for spiders to crawl up through the toilet drain, it’s not impossible. If you have a spider infestation in your pipes, they may be able to make their way up through the toilet bowl.

It’s also possible for spiders to hitch a ride on clothing or towels and be carried into the bathroom. If you’ve been in an area where spiders are common, such as a basement or outdoor shed, it’s important to check your clothing before entering your bathroom.

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Lastly, some spiders may be living in the bathroom itself. Certain species of spiders, such as cellar spiders, are known for making their homes in damp, dark places like bathrooms. If you suspect that spiders are living in your bathroom, it’s important to take steps to address the infestation.

Do Spiders Live Under Toilet Seats?

You may be wondering if spiders actually live under toilet seats. While it may seem like an unlikely place for a spider to call home, the answer is yes, they can.

Toilet seats provide a dark and damp environment that some spider species find appealing. The area around the base of the toilet is especially attractive to spiders because it tends to be undisturbed and is often home to other insects that the spiders can prey upon.

However, it’s important to note that not all spiders will live under toilet seats. Some species prefer to build webs in higher locations or in areas with more light.

If you do happen to find a spider under your toilet seat, don’t panic. There are ways to safely remove it without harming the spider or yourself. We’ll cover that in more detail in the following sections.

Type of Spiders That Live Under Toilet Seats

While there are several species of spiders that can be found in bathrooms, not all of them necessarily live under toilet seats.

spider under toilet seat 
Type of Spiders That Live Under Toilet Seats

However, some common spiders that can be found under toilet seats include cellar spiders (also known as daddy longlegs), wolf spiders, and American house spiders.

Cellar spiders

Cellar spiders are often found in damp and dark environments, such as basements or bathrooms. They are typically light brown or gray in color and have long, thin legs. While they are not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance if they build webs in inconvenient locations.

Wolf spiders

Wolf spiders are larger and more robust than cellar spiders and are known for their hunting abilities. They are usually brown or gray in color and have short, powerful legs that allow them to chase after prey. While they are not venomous, their bite can be painful and cause swelling.

American house spiders

American house spiders are typically small and brown or gray in color and can be found in a variety of environments, including bathrooms. They are known for building webs in corners or other hidden areas and can be a nuisance if their webs accumulate over time.

While spiders can be found in bathrooms, it is important to remember that most species are harmless and can actually be beneficial by controlling other pest populations.

How to Handle a Spider Under Toilet Seat

Encountering a spider under your toilet seat can be unnerving, but it’s important to stay calm and handle the situation carefully.

How to Handle a Spider Under Toilet Seat

Here are some steps you can follow:

Don’t Panic

The first and most important step is to remain calm. Spiders are generally not aggressive towards humans and are often more afraid of us than we are of them.

Startling a spider can make it feel threatened, so it’s essential to approach the situation with a level head.

Identify the Spider

If possible, try to identify the type of spider you’re dealing with. This can help determine the best course of action. Some spiders are harmless, while others can be venomous.

If you’re unsure what type of spider you’re dealing with, consider taking a picture of it and consulting with a professional or researching online.

Remove the Spider

To remove the spider, use a piece of paper or a cup to gently trap it. Once you’ve trapped the spider, carefully release it outside away from your home. Be sure not to harm the spider in the process.

Clean the Area

After removing the spider, it’s crucial to clean the area thoroughly. Wipe down the toilet seat and surrounding areas with a disinfectant to remove any spider webs or debris.

Prevent Future Encounters

To prevent future encounters with spiders under the toilet seat, keep your bathroom clean and free of clutter. Spiders are attracted to dark and cluttered spaces, so keeping the area well-lit and organized can help deter them.

Related Article – How to Trap Spiders at Home

Additionally, consider using spider repellents or natural deterrents such as peppermint oil or vinegar to discourage spiders from entering your home.

If you're uncomfortable dealing with a spider under your toilet seat, it's always okay to ask for help from a friend, family member, or pest control professional.

Can Spiders Climb Back Up the Toilet?

It’s a common fear that if you flush a spider down the toilet, it will climb back up and crawl out.

However, this fear is mostly unfounded. Spiders are not capable of climbing back up the toilet once they have been flushed.

Can Spiders Climb Back Up the Toilet? (Alex Sanz)

When you flush the toilet, the spider is carried away by the water and is then deposited into the sewer system. Even if the spider were to survive the trip down the pipes, it would have no way to climb back up the toilet bowl and into your bathroom.

It’s worth noting, however, that flushing spiders down the toilet is not an ideal solution. It’s always better to catch the spider and release it outside.

Additionally, flushing foreign objects down the toilet can clog your plumbing and cause damage to your pipes, so it’s best to avoid flushing anything that isn’t toilet paper.

What is the Best Way to Flush Out a Spider Hiding in a Corner?

If you’ve spotted a spider hiding in a corner and you want to get rid of it, flushing it out may be the best option.

Flushing A Spider Down The Toilet (Brooklynn The Cartoon Girl)

Here are some steps you can follow to flush out a spider hiding in a corner:

Locate the Spider:

First, you need to locate the spider’s hiding spot. Spiders love dark places, so they’re often found in corners, under furniture, or in closets. Once you’ve found the spider, try to keep an eye on it so you can track its movements.

Get a Broom or Vacuum:

A broom or a vacuum can be useful tools to flush out a spider. You can use the broom to gently sweep the spider out of its hiding spot, or use the vacuum to suck it up.

Create a Distraction:

If you’re having trouble getting the spider out of its hiding spot, try creating a distraction. You can use a flashlight or a piece of paper to lure the spider out of its hiding spot.

Move the Spider Outside:

Once you have flushed out the spider, it’s important to move it outside away from your home. You can use a cup or a piece of paper to trap the spider and then release it outside.

it's best to try to release the spider outside instead of killing them. If you're not comfortable handling spiders, you can always call a professional to help you.

Should You Keep the Toilet Seat Lid Open or Closed?

One of the age-old debates surrounding toilet etiquette is whether you should keep the toilet seat lid open or closed when you’re finished using it.

When it comes to spiders, however, the answer is clear: you should always keep the toilet seat lid closed.

By keeping the lid closed, you can prevent spiders from crawling up from the bowl and onto the seat or even into your home. Spiders are known to hide in dark, damp places, so the toilet bowl provides an attractive habitat for them.

In addition to keeping spiders at bay, closing the toilet seat lid also helps prevent the spread of bacteria and germs.

When you flush the toilet with the lid open, it creates a spray of water droplets and airborne bacteria that can land on nearby surfaces.

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So, if you want to keep your bathroom clean and free of spiders and germs, the best thing to do is to make sure the toilet seat lid is always closed after use.

It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in maintaining a clean and healthy bathroom environment.

Do Spiders Hate the Smell of Urine?

There is a common belief that spiders hate the smell of urine and that leaving a urine-soaked rag or spraying urine in areas where spiders are present can deter them. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Spiders are not repelled by the smell of urine, and it is unlikely to have any effect on their behavior. In fact, spiders have a very limited sense of smell, and they rely more on their other senses, such as touch and sight, to navigate their surroundings and detect prey.

While urine may not be an effective spider repellent, there are other natural methods you can try to keep spiders at bay.

For example, you can use essential oils like peppermint or lavender, which have been known to repel spiders. Keeping your home clean and free of clutter can also help to discourage spiders from taking up residence in your space.

How Common Are Toilet Spiders in Australia

Toilet spiders are not only found in Australia but can also be found in other parts of the world, including the United States.

However, the frequency of finding toilet spiders in Australia is higher compared to other countries due to the country’s warm and humid climate, which is favorable for spider habitats.

Australia is home to various species of spiders, including the infamous Sydney funnel-web spider and redback spider, which are both venomous and can pose a significant risk to human health. However, the chances of finding these dangerous spiders under your toilet seat are relatively low.

This is why you should Always flush the toilet in Australia (Learntocrielip)

The most common type of spider found under toilet seats in Australia is the Huntsman spider, which is not venomous and considered harmless to humans. These spiders are generally large and can be quite intimidating to some people due to their size, but they are not aggressive and would rather flee than attack.

While toilet spiders are not exclusive to Australia, their prevalence in the country is higher due to the climate and diverse spider population.

However, it's essential to note that not all spiders found under toilet seats are dangerous, and most of them are harmless and play an essential role in maintaining the ecological balance.

Final Thoughts

Encountering a spider under the toilet seat can be a frightening experience, but it’s important to stay calm and handle the situation carefully. Identifying the spider and removing it using a cup or piece of paper can help keep both you and the spider safe.

It’s also crucial to clean the area thoroughly and take steps to prevent future encounters by keeping your bathroom clean and well-lit.

While spider under toilet seat incidents may vary in frequency depending on where you live, it’s always a good idea to be aware of the potential for spiders to hide in unexpected places, including the bathroom.

By taking the necessary precautions and remaining calm, you can safely handle any spider encounters in your home.

If you do come across a spider under your toilet seat, try not to panic and handle the situation with care.


Can spiders hide in toilets?

Yes, spiders can hide in toilets, especially if there are openings or gaps that allow them to enter.

Do huntsman spiders hide under toilet seats?

Huntsman spiders are known to hide in various places, including under toilet seats, but it is not a common occurrence.

Do brown recluses come out of drains?

Brown recluse spiders are not known to come out of drains, but they can be found in dark, secluded places like basements and closets.

What Australian spiders live under toilet seats?

Several species of spiders can be found under toilet seats in Australia, including the redback spider and the huntsman spider.

Do spiders come up through drains?

While it is possible for spiders to come up through drains, it is not a common occurrence.

Should I wash the spider down the drain?

It is not recommended to wash spiders down the drain, as they can survive and potentially crawl back out.

Can spiders crawl up the pipes and into the toilet?

It is possible for spiders to crawl up pipes and into the toilet, especially if there are openings or gaps that allow them to enter.

What happens when you flush a spider down the toilet?

Flushing a spider down the toilet may not kill it, and it may be able to crawl back out. It is recommended to remove spiders using a different method.

What if I’m too scared to remove the spider myself?

If you are too scared to remove the spider yourself, you can seek help from a professional or a friend who is willing to assist you.

What should I do if I get bitten by a spider under the toilet seat?

If you get bitten by a spider under the toilet seat, clean the bite area with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or if you suspect the spider was venomous.

Resources – (for further reading)

Australian Museum – Sydney Funnel-web Spider, Redback Spider

University of Florida – huntsman spider – Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus)

Mo.gov – Common House Spider, Cellar Spiders, Wolf Spiders

I'm Ernest M Noah, the founder of BugsTips.com. I have years of experience as an exterminator in Texas and Idaho, and I'm passionate about educating people on how to deal with pest problems effectively and safely.