Do Spiders Make Noise? 13 Fascinating Facts You Need to Know

Do spiders make noise? Yes, they do. But it’s not the kind of noise you might expect. In fact, spiders don’t have vocal cords like humans or animals do. Instead, they use other methods to communicate, defend themselves, and hunt.

For example, some spiders produce sounds by stridulation, web vibrations, or cheliceral clicking. But why do they make these noises? And can humans hear them?

In this article, we’ll explore the world of spider sounds and answer all of these questions and more. We’ll also discuss the different types of spiders that make noise and why their sounds are important.

If you’re curious about spiders and their unique methods of communication, defense, and hunting, keep reading. By the end of this article, you’ll have a greater understanding of these fascinating creatures and their surprising abilities. So, let’s jump in!

Do Spiders Make Noise? Complete answer

Yes, spiders do make noise. Despite not having vocal cords like humans or animals, spiders use various methods to produce sounds. These sounds can serve different purposes, such as communication, defense, or hunting.

Some spiders produce sounds by stridulation, which is the rubbing together of body parts. Others create vibrations in their webs to communicate or attract prey. Some spiders even make cheliceral clicking sounds by grinding their fangs together.

Do Spiders Make Noise – (Dreams and Music)

So, if you’re wondering whether spiders make noise, the answer is a definite yes. But the types of sounds they produce and their reasons for making them may surprise you.

How Do Spiders Make Noise?

Spiders produce sounds in different ways depending on the species.

One of the most common methods is stridulation, which involves the rubbing together of certain body parts to create friction and produce sound. This method is similar to how crickets make noise.

Other species of spiders create vibrations in their webs by plucking and strumming them like a musical instrument. These vibrations can serve as a means of communication between spiders or a way to lure in prey.

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Some spiders even make cheliceral clicking sounds by grinding their fangs together. These sounds are often associated with aggressive behavior or as a warning to predators.

It’s fascinating to see how spiders have adapted to make noise without vocal cords or traditional sound-producing organs. Their ability to create sound through physical means is truly remarkable and shows the unique and diverse ways that animals can communicate and interact with their environment.

Why Do Spiders Make Noise?

Spiders make noise for a variety of reasons, but the three main reasons are communication, defense, and hunting. Let’s explore each of these reasons in more detail.

Do spiders make noise  Why Do Spiders Make Noise


Spiders use sound to communicate with each other, often for mating purposes. Male spiders will produce vibrations that are picked up by the female through receptors on their legs.

These vibrations can be heard as a type of “love song” that the male uses to attract a mate. Some spiders also use sound to communicate territorial boundaries or to warn off potential predators.


Spiders may also make noise as a defensive mechanism. Some species of spiders will produce a hissing sound when threatened, which can startle a predator or make them think twice about attacking.

This sound is produced by the spider rubbing together specialized body parts or by expelling air through its spiracles.


Finally, some spiders use sound to help them hunt. For example, some spiders that hunt using their webs can sense the vibrations created by their prey getting trapped in the web.

This allows them to quickly locate and capture their meal. Other spiders, like the wolf spider, will use sound to lure in prey, mimicking the sounds made by insects to trick them into coming closer.

So overall spiders make noise for a variety of reasons, including communication, defense, and hunting.

These sounds may seem strange or scary to us, but they play an important role in the lives of these fascinating creatures.
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What Type of Spiders Make Noises?

While many spiders are silent creatures, there are a few species that are known to make noises.

Do spiders make noise  What Type of Spiders Make Noises

These spiders belong to the families Salticidae, Linyphiidae, and Thomisidae.

Here’s a table of some of the spider families that are known to make noises, including the families Salticidae, Linyphiidae, and Thomisidae:

Spider FamilyExample SpeciesType of Sound Produced
SalticidaeJumping spiders“Drumming” sound by beating their pedipalps against surfaces
LinyphiidaeMoney spidersVarious sounds produced by rubbing body parts together
ThomisidaeCrab spidersHissing sound by rubbing bristles on their legs together

The most well-known of these noisy spiders are the members of the Salticidae family, also known as jumping spiders.

These spiders produce sounds by rubbing together specialized body parts called chelicerae, which are located near their mouths. The sounds produced by jumping spiders can vary from species to species and can range from soft hisses to loud buzzing or clicking noises.

The Linyphiidae family, also known as sheet weavers or money spiders, is another group of spiders that are capable of producing sounds.

They do so by rubbing their legs together, similar to how crickets produce chirping sounds. The sounds produced by sheet weavers are typically very soft and high-pitched, making them difficult to hear without the aid of specialized equipment.

Finally, some spiders from the Thomisidae family, also known as crab spiders, have been observed to make sounds as well.

These spiders produce noises by rubbing their legs or pedipalps together. However, the sounds produced by crab spiders are usually very quiet and difficult to detect.

It is worth noting that while these spider species are known to produce sound, not all individuals of the same species will necessarily produce sound.

Additionally, the purpose of these sounds can vary widely among different species of spiders.
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Common Questions About Spider Sounds: Answered

While some spiders do make sounds, the range of sounds they make is limited. Some spiders rub body parts together to create sound, while others produce sound by stridulating, or scraping body parts together.

Here we will answer all the questions you may have regarding spider noise or sounds.

Do Spiders Scream?

Many people wonder if spiders scream. The short answer is no, Spiders do not scream. spiders do not have vocal cords and therefore cannot produce sounds that we would recognize as screaming.

However, some species of spiders do make noises that can be heard by humans. These sounds are produced by other means such as stridulation, where the spider rubs certain body parts together to create a vibration that produces sound.

In some cases, a spider’s behavior may also be mistaken for screaming. For example, some tarantulas will rear up and make a hissing noise by expelling air through their exoskeletons when they feel threatened or disturbed. This behavior is meant to scare off potential predators and is not a true scream.

So while spiders do not scream, they can make noises in other ways such as stridulation or hissing, which may be mistaken for screaming.

Do Spiders Make Hissing Sounds?

Yes, some spiders make hissing sounds. This is most commonly observed in tarantulas, which can produce a hissing sound by rubbing together specialized hairs on their legs.

These hairs are called “stridulating” hairs, and they create a hissing noise as they scrape against each other. Tarantulas may hiss for a variety of reasons, such as when they feel threatened or are defending their territory.

Some spiders may produce similar sounds to hissing through other methods, such as rubbing their legs together or vibrating their bodies.

Overall, hissing is just one type of sound that spiders can produce, and its frequency and purpose may vary depending on the species. 
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Do Spiders Make Chirping or Chittering Sounds?

Some spiders do make chirping or chittering sounds. These sounds are usually made by male spiders as a form of courtship or to warn other males to stay away from their territory.

The sounds are produced by rubbing together specialized body parts, such as the pedipalps or legs, creating a vibration that produces a chirping or chittering sound.

These sounds can range from quiet and subtle to loud and distinct, depending on the species of spider.

Not all spiders make these sounds, and it's not something that you're likely to hear often. 

Additionally, the sounds may not be audible to human ears, as they may be too high-pitched or outside of our hearing range.

Do Spiders Purr?

Spiders don’t purr as cats do, but some species of spiders produce a sound that is similar to a low hum or a soft purring sound.

This sound is typically created by the movement of their body parts, such as their legs or pedipalps, and is often associated with mating or communication with other spiders.

The specific sound that spiders make can vary widely depending on the species and context, so it’s not always easy to identify whether a particular sound is a “purr” or something else entirely.

However, it’s clear that some species of spiders do produce sounds that are similar to purring, even if it’s not an exact match.

While spiders may not purr in the same way that cats do, they are capable of making a range of sounds that are interesting and unique to their species.

Can Spiders Bark Like Dogs?

No, spiders cannot bark like dogs. While some species of spiders are known to make sounds, they do so in a very different way than barking.

For example, the Whistling spider (Selenocosmia stirlingi) is sometimes called a “barking spider,” but this is a misnomer. The spider doesn’t actually bark or make any noise that resembles a dog’s bark.

Instead, the Whistling spider creates a hissing or whistling sound by rubbing its bristles together. This is a common behavior in many species of spiders and is believed to serve a variety of purposes such as communication, defense, or attracting a mate.

However, the sound produced by the Whistling spider is not bark and is not comparable to the sounds made by dogs or other animals.

In reality, there is no evidence to suggest that any species of spider can produce barking sounds like dogs.

It's worth noting that the term "barking spider" is also used as a slang term for flatulence in some parts of the world, 

so it's possible that confusion between the two meanings could have contributed to the idea that spiders can bark like dogs.

Do Spiders Make Buzzing Sounds?

Most spiders do not make buzzing sounds, but some species are known to produce a faint buzzing or humming sound.

The sound is usually created by the spider rubbing body parts together, such as the tips of its legs or its pedipalps (a pair of leg-like appendages near its mouth).

One example of a spider that can make a buzzing sound is the Australian tarantula also known as the “whistling spider.” This species produces a hissing or buzzing sound by rubbing the bristles on its legs together when threatened.

Australian Tarantula (Whistling Spider) – (Geckos and Gum Leaves)

This sound can be quite loud and can be heard up to three meters away.

However, it is important to note that buzzing sounds are not common among spiders and most species are generally silent.

Can Spiders Growl?

Spiders cannot growl like some animals such as dogs or bears. However, they can produce various sounds through different mechanisms, such as stridulation, drumming, or hissing.

These sounds are usually used for communication or defense purposes, but they are not the same as growling.

It’s worth noting that some species of spiders can produce sounds that might be mistaken for growling or snarling, but they still don’t have the physical ability to produce the same type of vocalization as animals that can growl.

As explained above the barking spider, also known as the whistling spider (Selenocosmia stirlingi), produces a hissing sound that can be quite loud and might be mistaken for growling or barking, especially if heard in the dark or in a quiet environment.

However, this is still a different sound than a growl, and it's not produced in the same way as vocal animals produce their sounds.
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Do Spiders Communicate With Sounds?

Spiders use sounds as a means of communication, and they do so in a variety of ways. Some spiders use drumming, vibrations, or stridulation (rubbing body parts together) to create sounds that communicate with other spiders.

These sounds are often used for courtship, territorial marking, or to deter predators.

One example of spider communication through sound is the case of the male wolf spider, which drums its front legs on the ground to create a specific pattern that can attract female spiders.

Other spiders, like the jumping spider, use visual and acoustic signals during courtship to attract a mate.

Another example of spider communication through sound is the case of the Australian barking spider, also known as the whistling spider (Selenocosmia stirlingi).

As explained above his spider is known for producing a high-pitched whistle or hiss when threatened. It does so by rubbing its chelicerae (mouthparts) together to create a sound, which is loud enough to be heard by humans.

Some spiders also use sound to warn potential predators of their presence. For example, some orb-weaving spiders produce a buzzing sound by plucking their webs to alert potential predators, such as birds, to stay away.

So while spiders may not have a wide range of vocalizations like some animals, they have developed various ways of communicating through sound to interact with their environment and other spiders.

Do Spiders Make Noise When They Die?

There is a common myth that spiders make noise when they die, but this is not true. Spiders do not have vocal cords, so they are not capable of making any sounds like barks, growls, or cries.

In fact, spiders are generally silent creatures and communicate mainly through chemical signals and vibrations.

The idea that spiders make noise when they die may have originated from the sounds that some spiders make when they are alive.

For example, male spiders often make sounds to attract females during mating rituals. Some spiders also make sounds to communicate with each other or to warn off predators.

However, these sounds are not related to the spider’s death, and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that spiders make any sounds when they die. When a spider dies, it simply stops moving and its body eventually dries up and decomposes.

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Therefore, the myth that spiders make noise when they die is just a myth, and there is no truth to it.

Final Thoughts

So, do spiders make noise? The answer is yes, but it’s not quite as simple as you might have thought. From stridulation and web vibrations to cheliceral clicking, spiders have a range of ways to produce sound for communication, defense, and hunting.

While some spiders use vibrations or movements to send signals, others produce audible sounds by rubbing body parts together or strumming webs.

Overall, Further research into the sounds of spiders may reveal even more about these incredible creatures. So next time you come across a spider, listen closely – you never know what you might hear!


Are spider sounds dangerous?

No, spider sounds are not known to be dangerous to humans. While some species of spiders can produce sounds, they are typically not harmful or threatening to people.

Do house spiders make noise?

House spiders are not known to make audible sounds that are detectable by humans. While they may produce vibrations or movement, they do not have the physical ability to produce sounds like vocal cords or instruments.

Do wolf spiders make noise?

Wolf spiders do not typically make audible sounds that can be heard by humans. However, some species of wolf spiders may produce soft clicking or rustling sounds by tapping their legs on surfaces.

Do black widows make noise?

Yes, black widows can produce sounds, but they are very quiet and difficult to hear. Some studies have found that female black widows may produce a faint ticking sound when they are spinning their webs

Do brown recluses make noise?

There is no evidence that brown recluse spiders produce sounds.

Do tarantulas make noise?

Yes, some species of tarantulas can produce sounds. For example, the Arizona blond tarantula (Aphonopelma chalcodes) can produce hissing sounds by rubbing together its legs and body.

What noises do spiders hate?

Spiders are not known to react to noises in the same way that humans or other animals do, as they do not have ears or the ability to hear. However, some studies have suggested that certain vibrations or frequencies may be unpleasant or disruptive to spiders.

What are the loudest spiders?

There is no definitive answer to which spider is the loudest, but The loudest spiders are likely those that produce stridulation sounds, such as the wolf spider and the fishing spider. However, these sounds are still too quiet for human ears to hear.

Can spiders hum?

No, spiders do not have the ability to hum as they do not have vocal cords.

Can Spiders Whistle?

No, spiders do not have the ability to whistle as they do not have the necessary body parts.

How can I tell if a spider is making noise?

Unless you have specialized equipment, it can be difficult to tell if a spider is making noise. However, if you hear a faint hissing or clicking sound coming from a spider, it may be a sign that it is feeling threatened or trying to communicate with other spiders.

Resources – (for further reading)

Amateur Entomologists Society – Stridulation

Encyclopedia Britannica – Jumping spider, Crab spider

Australian Museum – Australian tarantulas

British Arachnological Society – Money spiders (Family Linyphiidae)

I'm Ernest M Noah, the founder of I have years of experience as an exterminator in Texas and Idaho, and I'm passionate about educating people on how to deal with pest problems effectively and safely.